陈晔光 博士
教授 中国科学院院士 发展中国家科学院院士
1979-1983 江西大学(南昌大学)生物系,生物学学士
1983-1986 江西大学(南昌大学)生物系,动物学硕士
1988-1990 美国福特汉姆大学,细胞生物学硕士
1991-1996 美国爱因斯坦医学院,细胞生物学博士
1996-2000 美国霍华德·休斯医学研究所斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心,博士后
2000-2002 美国加州大学河滨分校,助理教授
2002 -至今 永利娱乐城,教授、博导
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 代表性论文:
1. Shi QN, Huang F, Wang YL, Deng HT, Chen YG#. (2024) HER2 phosphorylation induced by TGF-β promotes mammary morphogenesis and breast cancer progression. Journal of Cell Biology, 223(4):e202307138.
2. Wang T, Song WL, Meng QY, Qu CQ, GuoSH, Wang YL, Tan RH, Jia BQ#, Chen YG#. (2024) Tumorigenicity and prediction of clinical prognosis chemotherapy response of patient-derived gastric cancer organoids. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 14(2):e1588.
3. Wang YL, Lou RY, Zhang Z, Xiao CY, Yu SC, Wei ST, Liu Y, Fu W, Li BJ, Chen YG#. (2023) Stromal BMP signaling regulates mucin production in the large intestine via interleukin-1/17, Science Advances.9(43):eadi1827.
4. Liu LS, Wang YL, Yu SC, Liu HD, Li YH, Hua S, Chen YG#. (2023) TGF-β promotes inflammation and tumorigenesis in Smad4-deficient intestinal epithelium in a YAP-dependent manner, Advanced Science, e2300708.
5. Wei XY , Yu SC, Zhang TH, Liu LS, Wang X, Wang XD, Chan YS, Wang YM, Meng S, Chen YG#. (2023) MicroRNA-200 loaded lipid nanoparticles promote intestinal epithelium regeneration in canonical microRNAs-deficient mice, ACS Nano, 17(22):22901.
6. Kang KX, Shi QN, Wang X, Chen YG#. (2022) Dishevelled phase separation promotes Wnt signalosome assembly and destruction complex disassembly, Journal of Cell Biology, 221(12):e202205069.
7. Nong JX, Kang KX, Shi QN, Zhu XC, Tao QH, Chen YG#. (2021) Phase separation of Axin organizes the β-catenin destruction complex. Journal of Cell Biology, 220(4): e202012112.
8. Wang T, Zhang N, Fan SP, Zhao LZ, Song WL, Gong YH, Shen Q, Zhang C, Ren P, Lin CT, Fu W, Gao G, Ma SH#, Bi YH#, Chen YG#. (2021) Establishment of human distal lung organoids for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cell Discovery, 7(1):108.
9. Wang YL, Song WL, Wang JL, Wang T, Xiong XC, Qi Z, Fu W#, Yang XR#, Chen YG#. (2020) Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals differential nutrient absorption functions in human intestine. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217(2). pii: e20191130.
10. Li YZ, Liu Y, Y. Jeffrey Chiang, Huang F, Li YH, Li XT,Ning YH, Zhang WH, Deng HT, Chen YG#. (2019) DNA Damage Activates TGF-β Signaling via ATM-c-Cbl-Mediated Stabilization of the Type II Receptor TβRII. Cell Reports, 28(3):735.
● 荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况:
现任Cell Regeneration杂志主编、亚太细胞生物学组织理事长、国际细胞生物学联盟副理事长以及Cell Research、Cell Discovery、Open Biology、Cancer Sciences、Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine等期刊编委。
● 联系方式: